
A first-of-its-kind recall network Schedule a Demo

Why We’re Here

As the number of vehicles on U.S. highways continue to rise, auto dealers face a growing automotive-recall problem. Due to inefficiencies in the recall process, dealers are not servicing recalls fast enough. And time equals money. Fortunately, dealer’s no longer have to worry about recalled vehicles tying up their inventory and cash flow. Trade Recalls was founded to revolutionize the recall process and change the way dealer’s think about recalls. As a first-of-its-kind recall network, Trade Recalls brings dealers together to turn recalls into revenue.


Decrease Costs

Too often, an open safety recall leads to a delayed sale. Precious storage space remains occupied. Interest payments are due at your expense. Worse, the vehicle sale price is at risk of depreciation. Trade Recalls ensures recalls are repaired fast so you can invest those profits into new vehicles and maintain a healthy inventory turnover.

Drive Revenue

Service revenue is a critical component to a dealership's profitability; however, service departments are frequently not operating at their full potential. Trade Recalls enables you to take advantage of an untapped gold mine. Gain instant access to open recalls, reduce service department downtime and maximize profits.


Live Recall Feed

Gain instant access to an always up-to-date recall inventory.


Filter & Search

Easily sort recalls by manufacturer, recall type, distance and more.


In-platform messaging

Maintain open communication with dealers to simplify pick ups & drop offs.

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